
  • Our paths into the future are untrodden.
    They emerge as we walk along.

Hot topics

VISUAL DESIGN THINKING – an innovative form of our workshops which combines technique  of Design Thinking, Visualization and Science Slam, where participants awaken their ideas to life!  more…

During BUSINESS SLAM managers and their employees, under professional coaching, will be trained to unveil their ideas, projects and objectives in a 10-minute presentation as part of a dedicated event. more…

“If we only knew how much we know”. A lot of useful knowledge is lost on the way from the workshop to the workplace, or just drowns in the waves“of daily routines. However, there is a way to minimize losses. We offer  „On the Job“ and “Internal Slam” mini-workshops, as well as plenty of other training forms.

Trainings and Coaching

With your cooperation, Savchuk & Partner will design a training course tailored to your needs. We will share our experience In various areas and fields of knowledge covering both European and Post-Soviet domains.

If you have a new senior management job, heading an intercultural project or facing a serious choice, we will help you with custom coaching, acting as reliable and creative partners.Your advantage:  we use our shared potentials during concept design and implementation.


Sie interessieren sich für neue Vertriebswege? Oder suchen einen Kooperationspartner in Osteuropa? Wer sich auf neue Wege wagt, bereitet seine ersten Schritte intensiv vor. Gut, wenn man hier auf zuverlässige Partner zurückgreifen kann. Wir entlasten Ihre Mitarbeiter zeitlich und durch zusätzliches Know How. Individuell und unabhängig engagieren wir uns für Sie als Kunden und begleiten Sie auf Wunsch durch eine oder alle Etappen, von der Marktrecherche über Anbahnung erster Sondierungsgespräche bis hin zur professionellen Abwicklung der Vertragsabschlüsse.


Carolin Savchuk

Carolin Savchuk

Trainerin, Coach, Projektmanagerin

Who is “Savchuk”, and who is the “Partner”, depends on a particular situation.
Carolin has years of experience in teaching and coaching culture-related management. She feels almost as comfortable in the Russian-speaking environment as Sergei. Born in Swabia, at the Boden See, Carolin is familiar with challenges of assimilatig a new cultural environment, whether it is Samara on the Volga, which became her second homeland, or Berlin, where her current vital interests are. Every time, she has to build new trusted relationships with her multinational trainees, creating an atmosphere which stimulates generation of new ideas and willingness to try something new, and to go a different way.

Once Sergei already endeavored to jump into the unknown by moving from Moscow to Berlin. For 20 years, he has combined his work in large businesses with services as a trainer, coach, and consultant. He jumps at every chance to encourage his attendant’s alternative thinking during his classes. This helps to unleash hidden potential both in groups and individual participants.

If you engage in cooperation with one of the partners, be sure, that while one of the Savchuk’s is working with you in the field, the other one is always around mentally!
Learn more about what we do! >>

Sergey Savchuk

Sergey Savchuk

Berater, Trainer und Coach

Our Services

We will have an in-depth conversation with you to help us understand, where we can help you. We offer three main activities: workshops, coaching and consulting. In addition, we offer moderator services at workshops and provide follow-up services during the period of changes.

If a requested topic is outside our main business, we can engage trusted experts from our network of contacts. Make a request!

The main topics of our trainings include (among the others):

  • Project Management (classic and flexible methods)
  • Presentation and Moderation Techniques
  • Change Management / Transformation /Corporate Culture
  • Innovation Support at Enterprises (incubator, pitch day, etc.)
  • Staff Training and Development Topics
  • Building a Business Communication Network at your Company for Exchanging Best Practices
  • Intercultural Communication (including business culture in Germany)
  • Soft-Skills (including communication, conflict behavior, analysis, creative approach techniques) and teambuilding
  • Senior Management Workshops, Personal Leadership

Other Services


Our joint projects, collaboration and full-time jobs enabled us to learn about operations of several companies and organizations, including

  • Carl Duisberg Centren, Cologne
  • Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn
  • German-Russian Forum, Berlin
  • Dialog, Berlin
  • Europa House, Tbilisi
  • GlobusHypermarket, Sankt Wendel
  • Goethe Institutes in Germany, Central Asia and Eastern Europe
  • Administration of Stralsund
  • IFM Management Consulting Institute, Berlin-Potsdam
  • Kulturgenossenschaft e.V., Berlin
  • Berlin-Karlshorst Museum
  • OBI Construction Hypermarket, Russia, Moscow
  • Policult e.V., Berlin
  • Robert Bosch Fund, Stuttgart
  • ROSATOM, Moscow
  • Screen GmbH, Wolfsburg
  • Stiftung “Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft”, Berlin
  • Timtchenko Fund, Moscow
  • Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
  • Wintershall, Kassel

Other References